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$$$Agent Incentive Program$$$
If you have reached this page, it means you are currently using a program developed by ISS. We trust you like our program and find that is the easiest web based rating program on the market. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please let us know. We realize that you are the ones using the program on a daily basis and we will be happy to do anything we can do to help you process business quicker.

How would you like to have some of your other companies using our software? Refer these companies or general agents to us and we will pay you up to 10% of what we receive as a commission. If you help us land a large national account, that could mean a 6 figure payday.

We rely on word of mouth to promote our programs and that is why we are offering this incentive. We want your words to reach the ears of those companies that have complicated rating software. Chances are they are paying more to have their current software maintained than what we will charge for a new program.

We offer a full range of personal and commercial lines rating products. We can also issue policies from our system if that is something your company or general agent needs. 

Some of you write with general agents that represent multiple companies. In many of these cases you have to use several different websites to quote a piece of business. We can eliminate that with our custom comparative rater for general agents. You enter the risk once and see what the premiums are for all of the GA's companies.

Contact Alan Bryan mailto:adbryan@issrating.com or call 800-747-9097

@Copyright Insurance Software Specialists 2007