Does your company or general agency ever have the need for additional in house programmers? Insurance Software Specialists offers a team of experienced insurance programmers without the overhead of hiring additional personnel. We can supplement your current programming staff.
Our expertise is in developing complete rating software including the most user-friendly interface on the market or just the rating engines that work with your existing interface. Prices range from $75 hr - $150 hr depending upon the complexity of the programming.
There are many times when a company's resources are stretched to the limit and the less important projects keep getting delayed. That is where Insurance Software Specialists can be of assistance. Our programmers can develop software much quicker because we spend our time programming and not in meetings. A web based rating program line of business can be developed and ready for use in 2-6 weeks depending on the complexity of the project.
The programming languages, databases and tools used are C, C++, C sharp, .Net, Java Script, Ajax, JSon, SQL, MySQL, Foxpro, HTML, XML and others.
Some of the programs we've written include:
Some of our products include:
Artisan and Contractors General Liability Rating
General Liability Rating
Commercial Property Rating
Inland Marine Rating
Package Rating
Commercial Auto Rating
Umbrella Rating
Auto Rating
Homeowner Rating
Dwelling Fire Rating
Snowmobile Rating
Boat & Jetski Rating
Motorcycle Rating
Manufactured Home Rating
Low Value Dwelling Rating
Online payments
Other Specialty Lines
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